Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, millions of people are fleeing from the war. In contrast to other – past and present – refugee movements, the access of Ukrainian refugees to the European Union is considerably facilitated. Nevertheless, many Roma* refugees report discrimination and racism during their flight – both in Ukraine and within the EU.
Together with activists and experts from Ukraine, Poland and Germany, we will shed light on the situation of Ukrainian Roma* in these three countries. What forms of racism are they confronted with? How can we fight this racism? And how can we enforce a solidarity that includes everyone?
- Natali Tomenko is a Roma human rights activist and is working for the Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture in Ukraine (ARCA) and the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC).
- Małgorzata Kołaczek is an Assistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University of Kraków and Deputy Director at the Institute for Intercultural Studies.
- Yücel Meheroğlu is a scientific advisor at Melde- und Informationsstelle Antiziganismus (MIA).
More informations: Bildungsforum gegen Antiziganismus.
Freitag, 12.05.2023, 18:00–20.00 Uhr
Bildungsforum gegen Antiziganismus Prinzenstraße 84.2 10969 Berlin